Character Name: Alfred F. Jones
Age: 19
Appearance: Short blond hair with ahoge, blue eyes, glasses.
Staff or Patient: Patient
If Patient, what is your derangement? Why are you here? Klazomania (compulsive shouting, like a tic, can be a symptom of Tourette syndrome) - doctors have sad that it is most likely to be Tourette's, but further examination is needed. Also suffers from ADHD and mild paranoia, often rants about 'conspiracy theories'.
Sexuality: Gay
Personality: Hyperactive and cheerful, his condition used to be merely put down as "high spirits". Often demands junk food until he is sedated.
Background: Parental records have not yet been found, though he says his parents took drugs. He grew up mostly living with whatever friends would take him in, though a lot of nights he had nowhere to stay. His condition was never much of a problem until one particular incident, which got him locked away in here. It has only got worse since he arrived here, and he's developed a violent twitch as well as yelling things out more frequently.